Monday, 15 August 2011

All things good for you

Apologies for the break between posts, just not sure where time is disappearing at the moment.  One of the side effects of a hectic couple of weeks is that I have had a break out of (mostly stress related) eczema.  To all those people who quote the age old advice that "you will grow out of it" - well I am still waiting.  I have tried almost every topical medicated and non-medicated cream under the sun.  I also spent about 5 years in my late teens/early twenties on a completely dairy free diet.  This really helped, but I finally gave in to my love of food and ditched the diet.  More recently switching to A2 milk has helped significantly.  But in an effort to get it a little more under control I have been reading up on food additives.  My interest in this was sparked by Aldi's recent move to only stock groceries free from artificial colours.  So I spent much of the last weekend reading the Food Intolerance Network website and a couple of books loaned to me by a friend.

Contrary to the advice in the website and books I have decided to start just by making a concentrated effort to only by foods with no colouring or preservatives.  When you start looking in to how to do this, you will probably learn some amazing things like I did.  For example there are so many different ways MSG can be written into ingredients.  And it is also not classified as "artificial".

Anyway over the coming weeks you may see some changes in our food, but possibly not.  I still have plenty of things in the cupboard that I cannot bring myself to waste, so it will probably won't be noticeable.  And I don't want to go crazy about it, just make an effort to be healthy more often than not.  But if nothing else, have a read up on different food colouring and preservatives and learn a bit more about the food we consume without even thinking about it.  Here are some other interesting sites:

1 comment:

  1. Removing additives and preservatives has made a big impact on our family - Franklin actually has a food additive intolerance so it has made a huge difference for him. I've also been doing the elimination diet and feel much better for it. I thought I already did well by mostly cooking at home, but it's been a big learning curve for me. We have also had to avoid some natural food chemicals (as per failsafe website) and now slowly reintroducing them - hooray for a wider choice of fruit & vegies!! Happy to share some of our recipes, if it would help you or your blog followers.
