Wednesday 30 March 2011

Ready for weeks 5 & 6

The results are in: last week's food and grocery expenses totaled $378 BUT I'm new at this game and ordered way to much meat last fortnight and still have close to $50 worth in the freezer. So, I have made an adjustment of $40 which brings the actual expenses down to $338. And don't worry, I have already added the $40 to my fortnightly tally for weeks 5 & 6, it won't get forgotten in the calculations. I am also pleased to report that I managed to squeeze into that amount a (cheap) meal out with some girlfriends and between the two adults a couple of purchased lunches.

Way too late last night I worked out the meal plan, and this morning after hitting the snooze button a few too many times, the kids were by some miracle eating breakfast peacefully, so I placed my online shopping order and my fruit and veg delivery. I also ducked in to my local butcher who stocks fabulous quality meats, makes great sausages and of course like any good butcher has all sorts of cooking suggestions and is happy to cut up the meat just how you like it.   Don't be fooled into thinking that you have to shop at major or discount supermarkets to get value for money.  Anyway due to my already overstocked freezer, this time I just picked up some pork spare ribs on special and some sandwich meats.

So people, get your shopping lists ready; here is the plan for the next fortnight:

Wednesday - Pork ribs, home made wedges and salad (raw carrot and mushroom for the kids)
Thursday - Creamy chicken pesto pasta
Friday - Chicken and corn soup plus rice noodles and apple crumble
Saturday - BBQ sausages, 1 T-bone for hubby, potato bake and salad
Sunday - Home made meat pie, leftover potato bake and vegetables plus some baking treats
Monday - Home made chicken schnitzel, home made chips, gravy and salad
Tuesday - Spaghetti bolognese
Wednesday - Beef and tomato gnocchi casserole
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Chicken risotto
Saturday - Quiche, home made wedges, salad plus make passion fruit slice
Sunday - Home made "takeaway" chicken wings, potatoes and vegetables
Monday - Home made pizza
Tuesday - Chicken meatballs (leftovers from freezer)

The blog posts to date have prompted many discussions about cook books, so today I unpacked the cookbooks and headed to the library for some supplements. With any luck there may be some exciting dishes on the menu next week and some additional, unplanned baking treats (my favourite!) over the coming fortnight.


  1. Love your blog, Ellen! Very keen to see how things go for you. It is so hard to stick to a budget when food shopping. I finally learnt that I actually saved money if I ate before I went shopping(even online). Treats aren't so enticing if you are full!
    Looks like your menus have lots of pasta and vegies and it all sounds delicious!
    Look forward to your next blog...
    P.S. thanks for the butcher shop plug! Always happy to help...

  2. How was the beef & gnocchi casserole? It looks really yum. Might try that this week. I'm trying to get ideas that bubby can eat too. I think he'll go for that one.

    I've been planning ideas too with your chicken meatballs - so far we have had: chicken meatballs with veg gravy & mash (a la Ikea!), chicken meatball pasta and chicken meatball soup like you have. They are very popular all round :)

    Good cheap and easy meals are jacket potatoes with fillings like beans and cheese, bolognaise sauce or even leftover casserole.

  3. Hi El,
    Great Blog!

    I have SO many cookbooks, it's ridiculous. most of them I rarely use. You are welcome to borrow them at anytime.

    I, like you, have never spent much time budgeting or meal planning, even though I think about doing it every week. You have inspired me to give it a go, I just have to effectively substitute all the pasta, potato, bread etc as they are a no go for us right now.

    Good luck with it all, I look forward to reading your posts.

    B xx

  4. I might take you up on the cook book offer when I get through my current stash - thank you!

    I try to eat moderately low GI so pretty much wherever I am cooking potatoes I substitute with sweet potato or other veg for myself. Same with bread, I just make more salad or something else for me of have less. Pasta though, I can't see myself giving that one up!! Will try and think of some different things for you though.

    What about making a meat pie without the base, just a top layer of thin pastry?
