Saturday, 4 June 2011

Mother-in-laws and scones

There are a few things in this world that I will never be able to do as well as my mother-in-law.  I am sure this is a statement mirrored by many wives!  Don't get me wrong, I love my mother-in-law dearly and don't suffer from any nasty/stressful type of in-law relationship (and no, I'm not just saying that because she reads my blog).  But there are some things that she is really, really good at and making scones is one of them.  For this reason I often don't make them; nothing worse than feeding your husband something when you both know they are no where near as good as the ones his mum makes.  But today I threw caution to the wind and made scones. 

I used a recipe I picked up in a second hand cookbook found at a book stall earlier in the week.  Yes, I am the proud new owner of 3 more cookbooks! I am hoping there is room (and money) in my new kitchen to build a cookbook bookshelf so I can have them all close to hand.

Anyway, haven't tried the scones yet, but you can almost guarantee with generous helpings of jam and cream they will taste fine!

1 comment:

  1. your scones look sensational, Ellen! While writing our last book, I came across a very simple, yet awesome scone recipe, as I have never been able to master the art of light and fluffy scones...more often than not, they can be used as paper weights, or the odd projectile...
    Light Scones: 3 cups S.R. Flour, 250ml cream, 250 ml lemonade...too easy...
    have a great weekend
